Loans  >  Community Impact Loan Fund

Community Impact Loan Fund

Clann Credo has launched a €50 million Community Impact Loan Fund to mark over 20 years of lending to community projects. As well as affordable interest and repayment rates, there are extra benefits included in the offer. Community and voluntary organisations, charitable groups and sports clubs have big ideas of how to transform their communities, but finance can be an obstacle to making this happen. Clann Credo’s aim is to ensure that any group who could avail of Community Loan Finance knows how Clann Credo can help them and that finance should not be an obstacle to them. Between 2007 and 2013 Clann Credo provided over €34m to 319 LEADER projects, creating, sustaining, and supporting almost 3,000 jobs.

Why Clann Credo?

  • Affordable interest and repayment rates
  • No Personal Guarantees required
  • No application forms
  • Experienced, regionally based staff, contact details HERE
  • Community impact of project an important consideration in your loan request



Bridging Loans

Bridging Loans are normally used to meet short-term needs. Many grant funders ask for proof of payment before releasing the grant. Clann Credo can provide a Bridging Loan to pay invoices for goods or works done, allowing you to submit receipts and claim the grant. The Bridging Loan will be repaid when the grant funds are received.

Match Funding Loans

Term loans help to spread the cost of an upfront investment over a period of time. Property Loans are available for purchase, construction, redevelopment and retro-fitting projects. Capital Equipment Loans can assist with vehicle and equipment purchase. Working Capital Loans help to pay for wages, services and/or materials, and Match-Funding Loans can help to fast-track projects where a community contribution is required.

1 As of 1st December 2022 - Actual rates and fees depend on individual circumstances and may differ from advertised rate.

 Other Benefits from Clann Credo

- FREE 1 year membership for The Wheel (umbrella community group support network)

- FREE Financial Health Check for your organisation

- FREE places on Specialist Workshops for your volunteers and staff

- Access to a range of extra benefits from our partner organisations, The Wheel and TrustLaw.


Under the Credit Reporting Act 2013 Clann Credo is required to provide personal and credit information for Credit Applications and Credit Agreements of €500 and above to the Central Credit Register. This information will be held on the Central Credit Register and may be used by other lenders when making decisions on your Credit Applications and Credit Agreements. The Central Credit Register is owned and operated by the Central Bank of Ireland. For more information, including on how your data is processed, see