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Community loan for Banner Housing Association

In times past, those with intellectual disabilities were dispatched to institutions and effectively criminalised. Like the poor of the Victorian era, they were held to be in some way responsible for their condition and punished accordingly.

Those attitudes persisted for far longer than most would care to admit. Since then, change has been slow in coming, primarily through the pioneering work of organisations like the Banner Housing Association (BHA), in County Clare.  Established in 2002 as a social housing agency, the focus of the BHA has been on the provision of housing solutions to people with intellectual difficulties.

 While these will vary from person to person, the central aim remains to ensure that each has the opportunity to live independently.  Where possible, Banner Housing will locate the home within the person’s own community.  Critically, the association also provides the security of long-term tenancy that is generally unavailable in Ireland’s rented sector.

 An initiative of the Brothers of Charity, the Banner Housing Association has built up a diverse property portfolio, with 21 apartments and houses serving as homes for people with a range of intellectual disabilities. Clann Credo provided support towards the purchase of an extensive property in Kilrush that provided a home for two BHA clients, ensuring a hugely positive impact on their lives and on that of the wider community.

Location: Gort Road Industrial Estate, Ennis,Co. Clare


"Clann Credo have provided invaluable financial help. They have assisted us with bridging finance and affordable term loans, without which our project could not have been started or completed. -Bart Whelan, Director of Ardara Sheltered Housing Association"