Sport never gets the credit it deserves. At the very heart of many communities - urban and rural - its contribution is often overlooked and unacknowledged. This is especially true of local clubs and associations, staffed almost universally by volunteers.
The Aughnamullen /Lough Egish community were keenly aware both of the centrality of and the potential of sport to facilitate greater development.
While the area boasts a strong GAA club, local activists recognised that other sporting activity was low and that the area suffered from a lack of proper facilities for other social activities.
Thus, the Aughnamullen Sports, Leisure & Social Development Association developed a plan to upgrade the local GAA club house to meet this obvious deficit. Their aim was to add a Fitness Suite, changing facilities and meeting room space.
By enhancing the facilities it was hoped that the centre would become a focal point for community activity. In particular it was hoped that this would encourage greater participation on the part of the local Protestant community in the area and create greater cross-community activity, at all levels.
It was also felt that the upgraded centre would allow new services and activities specifically targeted at youth in the area.
Clann Credo supported the project on the basis that it addressed a deficit in community facilities, thereby enhancing community life and encouraging greater levels of participation by all residents
Location: Tullynamalra and Cooltrimegish, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan
"Clann Credo supported the project on the basis that it addressed a deficit in community facilities, thereby enhancing community life and encouraging greater levels of participation by all residents."